Annual Bay Area Microbial Pathogenesis Symposium (BAMPS)
Please mark your calendars for March 22 (9:00 am - 6:00 pm). This year's keynote speaker will be Dr. Matthew Waldor from Harvard University.
BAMPS was initiated in 1998 and has been held every year since then except for 2020 (due to COVID). This one-day symposium is open to all researchers in the greater Bay Area interested in Microbial Pathogenesis and Microbes in Health and Disease. The symposium consists of ~15 short talks (15 minutes) given by trainees and PIs, 2 poster sessions, and a keynote seminar given by a leader in the field. Recent past keynote speakers include Pascale Cossart, Eric Rubin, and Kim Orth. Online Registration opens in December and provides the opportunity to submit an abstract for consideration for the poster sessions or for a short talk. The symposium is free-of-charge and includes breakfast, lunch, coffee breaks, and a post-seminar wine and cheese reception. BAMPS has filled to capacity for the past several years, so early registration is encouraged.